Zechus For Miriam

A Zechus For Miriam (English)

A Zechus For Miriam (English)


Our families would like to thank you for initiating the Asher Yatzar movement on behalf of Miriams recovery. The way this community has come together and supported us in the past two weeks is beyond words.

Miriam has been showing signs of immense progress which is nothing short of a miracle. The prayers are really reaching the heavens because the speed of each phase of recovery is unfathomable. In two weeks she is able to do things that we thought would take months.

Our last update was regarding her breathing tubes coming out. As of now Miriam has started speaking and is able to drink on her own. While this is beyond amazing, there is still significant trauma and injury that exist so we really need everyone’s continued thoughts and prayers.

Again, there isn’t enough gratitude that we can express to everyone. The outreach has been incredible.

Thank you,

The Binsky and Meltser family


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A Zechus For Miriam

A Zechus For Miriam
